Sunday, January 18, 2009

And the bravery award goes to...


He is our brave little man! David recently had surgery to repair a double hernia and move his testicle into place. It was a minor, outpatient surgery, but nonetheless, scary for Matt and I. We had to travel to Knoxville for the surgery, so to avoid waking at 4:00am the day of surgery, we went down with Granna and Daniel the night before. We were able to go swimming (David loved that!) at the hotel and had a great time. Matt and I were both very concerned about the no-eating before surgery rule considering David is quite a hungry rooster in the mornings! He did great though! We explained the procedure to him (as best as we could) and he was such a trooper. Never cried a tear. He was so brave for all the nurses and doctors. When he woke up from anesthesia and Matt and I went in to see him, he was propped up on the pillow with his arms behind his head while the nurses were waiting on him left and right. They all fell in love with him! We were able to travel home that day and he hasn't even blinked an eye about any of it! We are so proud of him! And while I am bragging about him.....I'll just tell you some more! :)

David is the smartest, silliest, craziest, most adorable 3 year old I know! He has a memory that most would envy, he doesn't miss a thing (which can be good and bad), loves to laugh and make others laugh,and he never sits still. He is an eating machine, loves reading books, loves wrestling with dad, is addicted to playing with Mommy's hair, he loves harassing Daniel AND Garrett. He is constantly playing on the computer and "checking his email", he loves trains and loves that we live close enough to hear and see the train daily! He ALWAYS has to have the last word...(this could be bad when he is a teenager). He loves his cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents and loves being in TN with all of them. David loves school...which he calls "work." He is smart, smart, smart...amazingly so! (I am allowed to say that because I am his mother, but seriously, he is sooo smart!) He loves being outside...and everything that goes with it. He loves Praise Music and we find him humming it or singing it all day long. He is a morning bird (my rooster), loves to cuddle, and doesn't like to sleep alone! He loves being a big brother, even if he doesn't understand that Daniel can't quite yet wrestle (we daily have to remind him of this one!). He melts my heart, drives me bonkers, makes me laugh, wears me out, and reminds me DAILY of how very blessed I am . He is a Child of God and I am so thankful God is allowing Matt and I to "train him up." I am most humbled by that and pray daily that I can do a worthy job if it!



lindley said...

I think David and Luke would get along SO well! Maybe David could teach Luke to love to play with my hair!! Sweet post and what a brave boy!!! So glad is he is okay and a trooper!

Anonymous said...

David, I love you too!