Friday, July 20, 2007

Increased Conversation at the Keller home

Matt was calling David the other day to come out of his bedroom and into the living room. The conversation went like this, "DAAAVVVIIIDD" and David said "WHAT?!? Playing cars." Duh Dad, too busy to come out there! :)

He is talking up a storm lately, it is like turning 2 turned on his vocabulary in a way we never though possible (he was already a chatterbox.) Our little brave boy now says "Hey ___ (fill in the blank with Mom, Dad, whoever), Look at me!" This is being said RIGHT before he does something dangerous like stand on his riding toy or something. Famous last words, right?

Our favorite thing to hear (besides "I love you") is David saying the dinner prayer with us. I tear up watching him and listening to him. Oh to have the child-like faith again. And our prayer is that we can teach him of God's unconditional love and grace. David already teaches us of his wonderful miracles and love!

1 comment:

Melissa Osborn said...

I love that picture! He looks like a Backstreet Boy! (back when they were cute and straight!)